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Storage Forklift Pallet Heavy Duty Rack

We provides unlimited options for warehouse storage and material handling, which can reduce operating costs and maximize space and efficiency. Pallet racking systems are the most common storage racks in which pallets containing materials are placed directly on the racks. Pallet racks can store inventory and other supplies directly from transportation.

The selective rack takes up the least space and can be configured to almost any size required. The system allows immediate access to any stored pallet load without having to move any other pallets. Every pallets can stand individually. This is the shelf choice with the lowest cost per pallet. 

Our pallet racking customers include industrial and retail warehouses and distribution centers, manufacturing facilities and assembly operations, as well as companies that focus on chemical, energy and utilities, and pharmaceutical manufacturing or distribution.

Pallet racking is a material handling storage system used to store items on pallets. Pallets are stored in horizontal rows with one bay will have multiple vertical levels. 

The warehouse on pallet racks effectively uses the previously wasted available vertical space and improves the overall organization in the warehouse. In order to pick and place the stacked materials, forklifts are used to load and unload materials on rack mounted shelves, thereby improving warehouse efficiency and saving picking time. Pallet racks have a variety of styles and capabilities to meet the needs of the warehouse.

It is the universal pallet racking system used today. Selective pallet racking systems usually use one of two configurations: cold roll forming or clip in configuration, and bolted together structure.


Customer Cases

Customer Cases

Our selective shelves are qualified products designed to maximize your valuable warehouse space.

Selective pallet racks allow you to access each pallet in storage easily and directly, and leave room to operate multiple forklifts in one aisle. Because no special lifts or trucks are required, standard forklifts can be used, it provides the lowest racking cost per square meter and minimizes lower pallet handling costs.

Characteristic Of Storage Forklift Pallet Heavy Duty Rack

  • LIFO (last in, first out) or FIFO (first in, first out) load methods.

  • Deep lane storage reduces space usage, cuts costs and holds more loads.

  • Multiple access aisles eliminated.

  • Extra control over inputs and outputs.

  • More storage density instead of the direct access of Pallet Racks.

  • Specifically designed for your pallets and forklifts.

Still not find the solutions for your warehouse racking system, Contact Maobang for custom single selective racking

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